PCS Curriculum

A study of 31 public-sector managers by Baruch College researchers Gerald Olivero, K. Denise Bane, and Richard E. Kopelman found that a training program alone increased productivity 28 percent, but the addition of follow-up coaching to the training increased productivity 88 percent.

Often heard from business owners and managers is that because of turnover they are hesitant to train their people as they may leave and go to competitors, however, we think there’s something worse, not training your people and they stay. We don’t educate people just to educate them. We strategically assess how education contributes to the organization’s mission, values, and bottom line.

We have dozens of training and educational courses which we utilize to design and develop customized curriculum to fit the needs of our clients. Our goal is to create a collaborative partnership with our clients. Together, we strategically assess, define, develop, and deliver the highest quality and relevant learning solutions for employees.

Our most popular courses include:

  • 5 Behaviors of a Cohesive Team
  • Bringing it All Together
  • BSP 101 - Intro to Common Language
  • BSP 102 - Application of Common Language
  • BSP 201 - Harnessing Change: Stress Reimagined
  • BSP 301 - Grow Your Blue: Master Your Mindset
  • Start with Why

The preeminent Team Building Training. This program helps teams understand how they score on the key components of The Five Behaviors Model:  Trust, Conflict, Commitment, Accountability, and Results.  The Five Behaviors® is the only team development solution that empowers individuals through self-discovery and constructive behavioral modeling to rewrite the traditional rules of teamwork.

Learning Objectives:

Build a productive, high-functioning team that:
  • Makes better, faster decisions.
  • Taps into the skills, abilities, and opinions of all members.
  • Avoids wasting time and energy on politics, confusion and destructive conflict.
  • Avoids wasting time talking about the wrong issues and revisiting the same topics because of a lack of buy-in.
  • Creates a competitive advantage.
  • Is more fun to be on!

Features the Behavioral Styles Profile Common Language Framework. With all the knowledge you have gained from your customized training program, you will need time and guidance to create your individual map for personal & professional growth. Combining our unique tools and your newly acquired knowledge, we will help participants to create a Personal Development Plan that will guide their growth moving forward.

Learning Objectives:

  • Summarize the learning objectives and key take-aways of all the engagements to date
  • Provide an opportunity to explore questions, navigate challenges, and apply your understanding to daily life
  • Integrate the Maui's Critical Thinking styles
  • Create “Personal Development Plans” to chart areas for improvement and tangible solutions to track ongoing growth for individuals and teams

Our initial Keystone training, driven by the Behavioral Styles Profile Common Language Framework. Provides your company, teams, and key employees with a language and framework for human interaction and communication.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the Common Language Framework and color type patterns of the Behavioral Styles Profile
  • Gain insight into patterns of thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, how they are formed, and their impact
  • Improve your ability to identify these patterns in yourself and others in crucial situations and everyday life
  • Learn how to shift these patterns over time for your growth
  • Understand your personal Behavioral Styles Profile results, your unique type, and what your results mean for you at home and at work, in ideal and stressful conditions

Our team centered Keystone training, driven by the Behavioral Styles Profile Common Language Framework. Better understand the composition, strengths, and weaknesses of your team, how to connect, and improve cohesion and performance.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand how your Behavioral Style Profile scores correspond to the scores of your team or organization
  • Gain insight into the strengths and weakness of the 13 profile types, especially as they apply to your job roles
  • Notice points of strength and challenge as it pertains to the various scores of your team or organization
  • Identify areas of improvement for yourself and your team
  • Improve your ability to understand others on your team and increase meaningful interactions

Features the Behavioral Styles Profile Common Language Framework. Provides your company, teams, and key employees with understanding and skills to navigate stress and stressful situations, ways to accept and adapt to change, and how to feel joyful and more productive.

Learning Objectives:

  • Employ the Behavioral Styles Framework to understand how stress and change impact individuals, teams, and organizations on a daily basis
  • Gain tangible tools for diminishing the negative impact of stress and change on yourself and your team, reducing daily pain
  • Grow insight into the scientific reality of stress, and how to heal our bodies from chronically stressful lifestyles, producing gains in creativity, productivity, and happiness
  • Master your ability to utilize stress and change as sources of energy and success rather than hindrances for yourself and your organization from now on

Features the Behavioral Styles Profile Common Language Framework. Learn the science of your brain, harness “Blue” Awareness, and learn how to master your mindset and impact the world around you at a higher level. Adopt tools and processes for sustainable purpose, peace, belonging, and fulfilment in daily life and work, transforming your team and organization around you. Held on alternate weeks concurrent with “Grow Your Blue: Group Coaching”

Learning Objectives:

  • Implement strategies for personal growth based on the key element of the BSP, Blue: your capacity for Awareness
  • Gain a deep and actionable understanding of how your brain works, and how to “hack” your brain to streamline success and increase your impact in shifting your external world
  • Develop a customized roadmap for personal growth based on your unique talents, values, and needs
  • Apply yourself knowledge to your team, emboldening you as a leader to invite others into “Growing their Blue”

The most successful and innovative companies connect their customers and employees not just to WHAT they do, but WHY they do it. WHY creates a sense of connection and belonging to the work and the products created. When employees believe and adopt the company's WHY, they are more loyal, productive, and innovative.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn how to think from the inside out, where decisions are motivated by the power of WHY.
  • Adopt a way of thinking, acting, and communicating that gives team members the ability to inspire.
  • Create community and a shared sense of purpose that drives exceptional performance and innovation.
  • Establish trust amongst the team.
  • Attract and retain team members that share the values of the organization
  • Integrate the Allport Motivators from the Maui Analysis for an understanding of individual and team motivational factors

Additional Course Offerings

Change Management

The focus of this workshop is to teach participants how to manage the stress that results from change.   Participants identify the changes in their organization and learn how they affect them physically, emotionally, and behaviorally.  Practical ways to manage stress during changing times are introduced.  Participants are also introduced to a model that helps them maintain a positive attitude.  Participants also learn powerful techniques that teach them how to manage stress, frustration, and negative thinking effectively.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to,

  • Recognize why stress is a natural by-product of change
  • Understand how they respond to change
  • Recognize signs of burnout
  • Identify stress levels
  • Practice a technique that helps them “logic” their way through stressful times
  • Recognize practical ways to optimize health during times of stress and change
  • Create a de-stressing attitude
  • Practice de-stressing techniques
Enhanced ability to identify, practice and apply strategies for controlling the response to change. This may result in higher productivity, less absenteeism, and improved individual and workplace health.

Change is a strategic imperative in today’s businesses, and leaders play a critical role in organization change planning and implementation. During times of change, employees look to leaders to effectively manage people, processes and culture in alignment with business strategy. This program is designed to equip leaders with the strategies, skills, and techniques needed to manage change while creating a climate of trust and open communication.

This course is based upon active learning, with rich, interactive exercises, case studies, and applied experiences.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Analyze the process of change
  • Identify changes taking place in the organization
  • Effectively manage the change process
  • Recognize and manage reactions to change (self, employees)
  • Recognize the psychological issues associated with change
  • Apply powerful communication strategies
  • Identify levels of trust
  • Master techniques to help employees deal with negative reactions to
Enhanced leaderships skills resulting in open communication, and the creation of a positive vision of a change altered workplace. These skills may serve to streamline an accelerated acceptance and adoption of business critical change.

Change is a strategic imperative in today’s businesses, and leaders play a critical role in organization change planning and implementation.  During times of change, employees look to leaders to effectively manage people, processes and culture in alignment with business strategy.  This program is designed to equip leaders with the strategies, skills, and techniques needed to manage change while creating a climate of trust and open communication.

This course is based upon active learning, with rich, interactive exercises, case studies, and applied experiences.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Analyze the process of change
  • Identify changes taking place in the organization
  • Effectively manage the change process
  • Recognize and manage reactions to change (self, employees)
  • Recognize the psychological issues associated with change
  • Apply powerful communication strategies
  • Identify levels of trust
  • Master techniques to help employees deal with negative reactions to change
Enhanced leaderships skills resulting in open communication, and the creation of a positive vision of a change altered workplace. These skills may serve to streamline an accelerated acceptance and adoption of business critical change.

Compliance Training

Sexual Harassment prevention training is an important element of an organization’s overall human resource initiative.  This training helps managers follow practical guidelines to prevent sexual harassment within the corporate culture,  provide a safe and positive workplace, and reduce potential legal claims.

This program is designed to equip managers with strategies and techniques for creating a culture where sexual harassment is prevented or managed according to guidelines.

This course is based upon active learning, with rich, interactive exercises, case studies, and applied experiences.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this course, participants will be able to::

  • Recognize the legal definition of sexual harassment
  • Differentiate between situations that satisfy the legal definition, and those that do not
  • Identify reactions to sexual harassment
  • Apply strategies and techniques to prevent sexual harassment
  • Help employees make good choices
  • Create a respectful workforce
Enhanced ability to create a positive, diverse workforce environment, resulting in positive relationships, fewer incidences and legal claims.

This course focuses on dealing with workplace violence and the bullies who often trigger violence.  Participants gain an understanding of the psychological dynamics of the bullies.  Since interacting with the bully (a difficult person) can be challenging, participants learn a model that helps diffuse aggressive behavior.  Additionally, specific communication techniques are presented and practiced.

Learning Objectives:
  • Understand the link between stress and workplace violence
  • Identify reasons for the increased negativity in the workplace
  • Understand the dynamics of a bully
  • Identify three different forms of interaction
  • Learn a technique to help avoid being “hooked”
  • Identify CAREfront Model
  • Learn several communication skills which enhance the ability to deal with the bully
Enhanced coping skills resulting in effectively managed violent and/or aggressive behavior. These skills can help ensure a safe, and secure workplace.

Diversity, inclusion, and cultural sensitivity are important pieces of an organization’s business strategy.  Today’s businesses are part of the larger global business community, and workplace diversity can drive both competitive advantage and personal growth.  Increasing knowledge of diversity and cultural sensitivity can foster greater awareness as well as tap into the strengths and talents of the entire workforce.

This program focuses on developing the ability to embrace diversity, and effectively assess and respond to diversity-driven situations.

This course is based upon active learning, with rich, interactive exercises, case studies, and applied experiences.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Define diversity
  • Identify the components of a diverse workforce
  • Recognize diversity challenges
  • Identify unconscious implicit biases
  • Define unconscious bias
  • Explain how the brain works to encourage unconscious bias
  • Relate own experiences of unconscious bias
  • State the benefits of being aware of unconscious bias
  • Reflect on personal awareness of cultural diversity
  • Apply a tools to effectively communicate in diversity-driven situations
Enhanced diversity and inclusion strategies and techniques resulting in improved leadership skills, greater teamwork efforts, and improved workplace staffing. These abilities may help drive competitive advantage in the global business community.

Customer Service

Telephone answering skills are business critical.  A customer’s first and continuing impression can be positive or negative based upon how the phone is answered.  This program is designed to equip employees with skills and techniques necessary to providing exceptional customer service through the medium of the telephone.   

This course is based upon active learning, with rich, interactive exercises, case studies, and applied experiences. Evaluation of current phone skills is also available.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this course, participants will be able to: 

  • Recognize the importance of excellent customer service
  • Identify blockers that hinder exceptional answering skills
  • Follow a specific CARE model for answering the phone
  • Identify and manage three (3) types of difficult callers
  • Apply six (6) critical steps in closing a conversation
  • Differentiate between open and closed questions
  • Apply techniques for transferring, taking messages, and placing the caller on hold
Enhanced telephone answering skills resulting in exceptional customer service, satisfaction, and sales.

Organizational efficiency and performance is enhanced through solid collaborative negotiation skills.  Whether working with customers, or with internal staff, effective negotiation skills can improve communication, reduce conflict and drive business solutions. This program focuses on developing the ability to negotiate to “win-win” solutions through a collaborative approach.

This course is based upon active learning, with rich, interactive exercises, case studies, and applied experiences.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify negotiation styles (personal and team)
  • Recognize “negotiation busters” that can hinder the  collaborative process
  • Differentiate between wants and needs
  • Recognize the importance of preparing for the “what-ifs”
  • Create the mindset of a negotiator
  • Recognize the elements of conflict in the negotiation process
  • Apply a four-step collaborative model
Enhanced collaborative negotiation skills resulting in improved communication and increased ability to drive “win-win” solutions within teams and with external customers.

The ability to deal with customer conflict and difficult customers is critical in today’s businesses.  Exceptional customer service increases sales, builds great relationships, and protects the company’s brand.  Research also indicates that successfully dealing with a difficult client or customer to their satisfaction promotes greater loyalty to the company.  This program focuses on developing the skills to effectively deal with the challenges of difficult customers.

This course is based upon active learning, with rich, interactive exercises, case studies, and applied experiences.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify points of customer frustration
  • Identify types of difficult customers
  • Diffuse anger and keep communication lines open
  • Positively deal with manipulative behavior
  • Apply communication skills that enhance customer service
  • Maintain a positive attitude during stressful conversations
  • Master techniques to prevent difficult situations
Enhanced ability to provide exceptional customer service, and manage difficult customers. This ability may lead to greater customer satisfaction, sales, and customer loyalty.

Great customer service is the lifeblood of any organization.  This highly interactive course focuses on the role of exceptional customer service in driving organizational success.  Emphasis is placed on how attitude, communication, and behavior impact customer satisfaction.  

This course is based upon active learning, with rich, interactive exercises and experiences.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this course, participants will be able to: 

  • Recognize the value of consistently delivering exceptional customer service
  • Define the characteristics of high-quality customer service
  • Identify customer service “busters” and how they affect the entire organization
  • Avoid being “hooked” by difficult customers
  • Practice skills and techniques designed to manage the difficult customer
Improved customer service skills resulting in increased productivity and customer satisfaction.

Effective Meetings and Presentations

Effective meetings can save companies money and/or drive positive outcomes.  Ineffective meetings squander resources, waste valuable time, and delay the ability to provide positive business solutions. This program focuses on developing the skills to effectively hold, implement, and close successful meetings.

This course is based upon active learning, with rich, interactive exercises, case studies, and applied experiences.  Participants will plan and hold a meeting during the session.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify meeting objectives and desired  outcomes
  • Create a comprehensive, objective-driven agenda
  • Recognize different roles and responsibilities
  • Facilitate the meeting and keep it on track
  • Manage difficult team members
  • Capture action items and off-topic concerns
  • Gather ideas and information
  • Facilitate effective decision-making
  • Close the meeting with action items
Enhanced ability to participate in and/or lead effective meetings resulting in optimal time and resource use, higher productivity, and increased return on investment.

Efficient and effective group facilitation is an important part of leading teams developing critical business solutions. Facilitators help people communicate and work together through a structured, open framework. Participants gain an understanding of group dynamics, group process, and facilitator intervention strategies to maximize the group’s creative potential. This program is designed to equip managers, leaders, and/or trainers with a three-step facilitation process to enhance meeting productivity.

This course is based upon active learning, with rich, interactive exercises, case studies, and applied experiences. The twelve (12) hour option

includes videotaping and feedback.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the differences between a team leader, presenter, and facilitator
  • Define the roles and responsibilities of a facilitator
  • Apply a three (3) step facilitation process
  • Recognize the power of group dynamics and group processes
  • Identify strategies to deal with resistant people
  • Identify blockers common to group communication and interaction
Enhanced facilitation skills resulting in more effective and efficient group and meeting management. Facilitators drive business success by helping groups charged with information gathering, ideation, planning, and decision making.

The focus of this course is to teach the skills necessary to present information in a way that captures and maintains the audience’s attention.  Participants learn how to identify a purpose, and build the presentation to meet that purpose.  Discussion and practice of presentation development and delivery skills create a hands-on, interactive, skill-building course.

This course can be delivered in one day with limited practice or a two day course with both practice and critique.

Learning Objectives:

The program offers participants the opportunity to:

  • Identify benefits of a powerful presentation
  • Learn ways to overcome nervousness
  • Review and apply seven actions for preparing a dynamic presentation
  • Learn five questions to ask to gain a better understanding of their audience
  • Master ten techniques that add variety, interest, and emphasis to the presentation
  • Review the effective use of visual aides
  • Discover the power of the three V’s: Visual, Verbal, and Vocal
  • Present an impromptu presentation using information learned
  • Learn techniques for how to handle tough questions and trouble makers
  • Deliver a presentation and receive feedback
  • Create an action plan for future growth
Enhanced ability to deliver powerful presentations to a wide range of audience with confidence and ease.

Leadership and Supervisory Skills

Accountability plays a vital role in the achievement of exceptional business results, and performance management systems are key drivers for setting employee expectations and outlining roles and responsibilities. High performing companies recognize engaged, satisfied employees equate to highly satisfied customers.  Managers recognize the need to align company expectations with employee performance. 

Special attention is paid to aligning company talent with a robust performance management system, setting clear objectives, coaching and mentoring for success. and holding employees accountable.  

This course is based upon active learning, with rich, interactive exercises and applied experiences.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this course, participants will be able to: 

  • Define accountability
  • Apply a three (3) step accountability system
  • Set clear performance expectations
  • Hold employees accountable for performance
  • Identify and effectively deal with performance issues
  • Measure individual performance
  • Develop effective coaching and feedback skills
  • Practice team and organizational alignment
Improved ability to hit department and company targets. Enhanced ability to set clear expectations, coach and mentor, and hold staff accountable.

A team’s success is directly linked to the efforts of individual players and how well those players get along and work with each other.  This program focuses on how to capitalize on strengths, and not allow differences to stand in the way of success.      

This course is based upon active learning, with rich, interactive exercises, case studies, applied experiences, and an action planning component.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this course, participants will be able to: 

  • Identify personality preference styles and their importance in team processes
  • Recognize the 5 stages of team development
  • Identify a team’s strengths and weaknesses
  • Experience team synergy
  • Identify team development obstacles
  • Recognize the importance of team attitude
  • Examine team issues and concerns
  • Create an action plan for improvement using company areas of concern
Enhanced team building and maintenance, resulting in hi gher functioning teams and increased productivity.

Performance issues can zap the energy out of a leader. In today’s lean environment, leaders need to maximize the effort and skill set of every employee. Becoming an effective coach is a critical skill for all leaders.

Participants develop a heightened understanding of the role of a coach, salient aspects of human behavior, and how to give effective feedback. Participants will be able to assess their coaching skills via a coaching inventory. A five-step coaching process is introduced, and specific coaching skills are presented and practiced.  Once the coach leads the direct report to self-discovery, a performance development plan is necessary; hence, participants learn how to create such plans.

Learning Objectives:

The program offers participants the opportunity to:

  • Identify elements of an effective coach
  • Identify different types of coaching
  • Recognize their coaching strengths and areas that need improvement
  • Learn a five-step coaching process
  • Know how to give effective feedback
  • Identify skills to build positive rapport
  • Enhance the coaching skills necessary to become an effective coach
  • Develop action plans

The challenges in contemporary organizations require leaders to excel in communication.  Basic communication skills are insufficient for working with customers, and leading individuals and teams to optimal performance. This program is designed to equip leaders with the higher level skills and techniques necessary to initiate and sustain an open, interactive, and productive workplace.

This course is based upon active learning, with rich, interactive exercises, case studies, and applied experiences.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the verbal and written communication process
  • Identify and avoid communication blockers
  • Avoid manipulation by people with other communication styles
  • Apply several communication choices
  • Master techniques of asking questions, respectful listening, and empathetic responding
  • Follow a specific communication model
  • Create an open, interactive workplace climate
Enhanced leader communication skills resulting in higher levels of enterprise interactivity, team communication, customer satisfaction, and streamlined productivity.

This course focuses on how conflict is a normal by-product of relationships.  In other words, conflict is merely a difference of opinion between people. By looking at conflict as natural, we help people move past the win-lose aspect of conflicts.

Participants identify their destructive and constructive conflict responses as well as identifying their “hot buttons.” Participants also learn how to think their way through a conflict and learn a six-step collaborative process.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this course, participants will be able to: 

  • Recognize how and why conflict exists
  • Realize conflict represents differences in opinions and beliefs
  • Identify destructive and constructive responses to conflict
  • Identify their “hot buttons”
  • Demonstrate a five (6) step collaborative process
  • Manage emotions
  • Take the perspective of others
  • Deal with negativity

The key to leadership success is motivating others to do their best in achieving business goals, and motivation is the force that transforms people to be productive.  Maximizing employee’s motivation is vital to successfully accomplishing the organization’s targets and objectives. Motivated employees have higher productivity, morale, self-esteem, and organization/team loyalty.

This program focuses on strategies for leaders to create and maintain a motivating environment.

This course is based upon active learning, with rich, interactive exercises, case studies, and applied experiences.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Recognize the importance of a motivating environment
  • Distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
  • Explore reasons many workplaces focus on extrinsic motivators
  • Determine if money is a motivator
  • Apply motivation strategies to the workplace
Enhanced leader ability to motivate employees to achieve corporate objectives, resulting in higher productivity, morale, and loyalty.

Successful organizations recognize that organization-wide critical thinking and creative solutions to problems can significantly drive overall business success. This course provides a model and framework for a clear and consistent problem-solving and decision-making process.  Participants apply this model and are introduced to multiple strategies, tools, and techniques to add to their problem-solving toolkit.

This course is based upon active learning, with rich, interactive exercises, applied experiences, and business-related case studies.  Participants will also apply the problem-solving and decision making methodology to company work-related problems.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Define a problem
  • Apply a seven (7) step problem solving model
  • Apply a decision making model
  • Recognize the difference between a problem and a decision
  • Identify problem solving styles
  • Identify personal and team roadblocks to success
  • Develop action plans
  • Practice with problem solving and decision making tools
Improved ability to define and solve the “right” problem resulting in increased efficiency, and streamlined and consistent problem solving and decision making across the enterprise.

Have you ever been faced with the challenge of having a discussion with a co-worker that you fear will turn into a nightmare?  Have you ever avoided a difficult discussion because you were anxious about how the other person would react?  If so, this course is perfect for you!  By the end of this seminar, you will master proven techniques that give you the control and power you need to transform toxic talk into healthy dialogue – enabling you to talk to anyone, at any time, anywhere, about anything.

Learning Objectives:

By attending this seminar, participants will be able to:

  • Recognize blockers that hinder having a healthy discussion
  • Set the stage for a safe, risk-free discussion
  • Use the “Colombo Technique” to disarm and control hostile encounters
  • Become detached listeners
  • Use a variety of thought modifying techniques
  • Recognize key non-verbal messages and body language cues
  • Master the Six-Step Process when having a difficult discussion

Research has shown that Social-Emotional Intelligence (SEI) contributes more to a person’s success in life than raw intelligence (IQ).  Leaders and employees with a high SEI are the ones who make the best decisions, manage people more effectively and contribute most to the overall success of the organization. Emphasis is placed on the development of specific skills that strengthen SEI.  

This course is based upon active learning, with rich, interactive exercises and applied experiences.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:  

  • Define emotional intelligence (SEI)
  • Recognize the role of SEI in the workplace
  • Describe an SEI model
  • Build an intuitive muscle
  • Better manage emotions
  • Improve social awareness
  • Practice and enhance social and empathy skills
  • Listen and respond with empathy
Improved and enhanced Social-Emotional Intelligence resulting in increased customer satisfaction, relationships, retention, and improved internal employee interactions.

The quality of the supervision an employee receives is critical to employee retention, development, and productivity. People leave managers and supervisors more often than they leave companies or jobs.  Ineffective supervision can cost the company resources, time, and talent.  This program is designed to provide supervisors with the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully supervise.   

This course is based upon active learning, with rich, interactive exercises, case studies, and applied experiences

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this course, participants will be able to: 

  • Discover how leadership relates to human behavior
  • Identify a personal leadership style
  • Examine blockers that may hinder supervisory strategies
  • Explore different management styles
  • Describe different styles of interaction
  • Build trust
  • Identify what people need and want from their jobs
  • Apply supervisory strategies and techniques
Enhanced ability to supervise employees resulting in a positive workplace climate, increased productivity, employee engagement, motivation, and retention.

The art of delegation is an effective means of developing employees and a key to organizational prosperity. Assigning authority while retaining accountability is key to maximizing resources and advancing business strategy.

This program is designed to provide managers with the knowledge and skills necessary to apply delegation strategies, and engage and develop employees.

This course is based upon active learning, with rich, interactive exercises, case studies, and applied experiences.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Define delegation
  • Assess current level of delegation skills
  • Identify the benefits of powerful delegation strategies
  • Identify personal barriers to delegation
  • Determine what to delegate, and what to keep
  • Define responsibility, authority, and accountability
  • Plan and conduct a delegation meeting
  • Identify the four (4) steps to effective delegation
Enhanced ability to delegate tasks while retaining accountability, resulting in optimal time usage, and employee empowerment and engagement.

Managers manage; leaders inspire and motivate. This course focuses on the differences between managing and leading while maintaining consistency in all areas of business operations.  Team building, communication, leadership style, and fostering a positive work environment are addressed.  Emphasis is placed upon building a variety of leadership skills.

This course is based upon active learning, with rich, interactive team-based exercises, and applied experiences.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the differences between managers and leaders
  • Identify team leadership styles
  • Explore leader behavior
  • Recognize the elements of building positive relationships
  • Discover what motivates people, and how to create a motivating climate
  • Identify levels of trust
  • Explore and understand common approaches to discipline
  • Practice a non-punitive approach to dealing with negative behavior
Enhanced leaderships skills resulting in improved departmental functioning, communication, and team interpersonal relationships.

Many organizations are creating formal mentoring programs to ensure knowledge transfer, advance careers, learn management savvy, address performance deficiencies, and enhance employee productivity.

This program equips participants with the skills and resources necessary to effectively mentor an employee(s).

This course is based upon active learning, with rich, interactive exercises and applied experiences.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the differences and similarities between a manager, coach and mentor
  • Identify mentoring styles
  • Recognize common mentoring traps
  • Discover strategies for effective mentoring
  • Develop coaching skills necessary for successful mentoring
  • Recognize different learning styles and their effect on the mentoring relationship
Improved ability to mentor employees resulting in successful knowledge transfer, increased morale, and productivity.

Developing your ability to set goals, focus on priorities, and manage simultaneous responsibilities and activities is essential in today’s fast-paced, ever changing work environment.  Taking control of your workday is crucial for staying focused and enhancing productivity and success.  This powerful workshop will help you manage multiple demands and priorities, get more done in less time, keep on top of numerous projects and deadlines, and eliminate pressure and stress from your work day. 

This course is based upon active learning, with rich, interactive exercises and applied experiences.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this course, participants will be able to: 

  • Plan and prioritize each day’s activities in a more efficient, productive manner
  • Identify and recognize their Time-Management Personality Profile
  • Overcome procrastination quickly and easily
  • Handle crises effectively and quickly
  • Organize their workspace and workflow to make better use of time
  • Delegate more efficiently
  • Utilize stress management techniques
Enhanced ability to manage priorities and time more e ffectively resulting in higher productivity and overall efficiency.

Leading effectively from a distance is like operating a camera with a telephoto lens. To secure a clear, focused image of a far-off situation, leaders adjust their communications and technology.  Leaders, who manage remotely, receive a series of snapshots of situations through voice mail, emails, and/or text messages. Leaders need to diagnose quickly and skillfully what is happening, determine a course of action, and adjust their means of communication and the technology they use to achieve the desired goals.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this webinar, participants will:

  • Develop a management plan for their virtual team
  • Develop strategies to overcome common roadblocks in managing remote teams
  • Identify opportunities for managers to build relationships, enhance communication and engagement, and manage performance with their teams.

The Harvard Business Review stated in a recent article:  “More than education, more than experience, more than training, a person’s level of resilience will determine who succeeds and who fails.”  In a constantly changing workplace, resilience is defined as how well everyday job pressures are perceived and managed, and obstacles overcome.  This program focuses on building skills to strengthen resiliency in the workplace.      

This course is based upon active learning, with rich, interactive exercises, case studies, and applied experiences. A resiliency assessment is provided.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this course, participants will be able to: 

  • Identify forces of enterprise-wide change, stress, and resiliency
  • Master new skills and techniques to strengthen resiliency
  • Recognize change as a natural force in organizations
  • Assess personal resiliency quotients
  • Identify reasons people resist change
  • Examine five (5) features of a resilient organization
  • Create a flexible, open work environment
  • Effectively manage the change process
Increased personal and organizational resiliency resulting in improved ability to manage and embrace changes connected to overall business strategy.

he most successful leaders are those that adapt their leadership style to the maturity and experience of the individual or group they are attempting to lead/influence.  Effective leadership varies not only with the person or group that is being influenced, but also depends on the task, job or function that needs to be accomplished.    


This program is based upon the Hershey/Blanchard model of Situational Leadership and is designed to equip leaders with the skills and competencies necessary to practice this type of leadership.    

This course is based upon active learning, with rich, interactive 

team-based exercises, and applied experiences.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this course, participants will be able to: 

  • Use a structured approach for analyzing follower readiness (ability and commitment)
  • Identify leader behavior most appropriate for the situation
  • Assess current leadership behavior
  • Assess overall team readiness
  • Identify methods for moving the team forward
  • Implement a strategy for continuous employee development
Enhanced situational leadership skills resulting in improved departmental functioning, communication, and team interpersonal relationships.

Employee retention, especially of the best, most desirable employees, is a key challenge in organizations today. Employee involvement, recognition, advancement, development, and pay based on performance are all essential elements in retaining great producers.  

This program is designed to provide managers with the knowledge and skills needed to create and maintain a high performing organization through retention strategies.  

This course is based upon active learning, with rich, interactive exercises, case studies, and applied experiences.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:  

  • Identify why employees leave a company
  • Recognize a variety of strategies to create a motivating climate
  • Identify strategies to engage employees
  • Compare and contrast generational differences
  • Identify reasons why people stay with a company
Enhanced ability to create a positive work environment for motivating and engaging valued employees resulting in higher employee retention and productivity.

A personal brand is a critical component to reputation both in the workplace and  in social media networks.  Personal branding is the way people market themselves to others and can help increase positive visibility and advance career goals. This program focuses on skills needed to create and maintain a  clear, consistent personal brand.  

This course is based upon active learning, with rich, interactive exercises, case studies, and applied experiences.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:  

  • Recognize the importance of brand creation
  • Identify the benefits of a successful brand
  • Avoid obstacles that may hinder the “re-branding” process
  • Use a BRAND model to create a personal brand
  • Link the importance of high emotional intelligence to branding
  • Recognize how perception creates reality
  • Create ways to successfully present and promote a personal brand
Creation and maintenance of a personal, career-oriented brand resulting in increased visibility, advanced career mobility, and consistent messaging.

Personal Development

Mismanaged anger is the major cause of conflict in our personal and professional relationships. People with anger issues often find themselves unable to control their actions and words, which can lead to emotional and (possibly) physical harm of people that they care about or work with. In a corporate situation, mismanaged anger can lead to lost productivity, distraction from obtaining goals, and potential lawsuits.

This program focuses on understanding and managing anger in the workplace.

This course is based upon active learning, with rich, interactive exercises and applied experiences.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Differentiate between aggression, assertiveness, rage, and hostility
  • Describe the anatomy of anger
  • Recognize the three (3) components of anger
  • Identify the various signs of anger
  • Determine a personal anger quotient
  • Apply strategies and techniques to manage anger effectively
Improved ability to manage anger effectively resulting in enhanced communication, greater productivity, fewer altercations, and improved employee morale.

The challenges in contemporary organizations require workers to excel in communication. Basic communication skills are insufficient for working with customers, teams, and individuals. This program is designed to equip workers with the higher-level skills and techniques necessary to initiate and sustain an open, interactive, and productive workplace.

This course is based upon active learning, with rich, interactive exercises, case studies, and applied experiences.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the verbal communication process
  • Identify and avoid communication blockers
  • Avoid manipulation by people with other communication styles
  • Apply several communication choices
  • Master techniques of asking questions, respectful listening, and empathetic responding
  • Follow a specific communication model

Attitude, positive or negative, is what every employee brings to the workplace.  Attitude spreads and affects individuals, teams, and organizations, impacting productivity, motivation, and the bottom line.  Even small changes in attitude can substantially alter an employee’s or a team’s functioning.

This course is based upon active learning, with rich, interactive exercises and applied experiences.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Differentiate between positive and negative attitude cycles
  • Identify behaviors associated with positive and negitive attitude cycles
  • Discover how “games” lead people in to the negative cycle
  • Identify strategies for working within the positive cycle, and minimizing the effects of the negative cycle
  • Recognize when others are in the negative cycle
  • Formulate techniques to protect against the power of others who remain in the negative cycle
Enhanced ability to remain in a positive attitude cycle resulting in higher productivity, motivation, and improved communication.

Creative or innovative thinking leads to new insights, novel approaches, fresh perspectives, and whole new ways of understanding and conceiving of things. Generating fresh solutions to problems, and the ability to create new products, processes or services for a changing market, are part of the intellectual capital that give a company its competitive edge.

This program focuses on activities designed to tap into the “creative” side of the brain and leverage abilities to apply new thinking to corporate problem solving.

This course is based upon active learning, with rich, interactive exercises and applied experiences.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Discover the value and abilities of the left and right sides of the brain
  • Identify numerous blockers that stifle creativity
  • Recognize the difference between creativity and innovation
  • Apply creativity and innovative thinking to problem solving
Improved ability to creatively problem solve and apply creative and innovative thinking to enterprise issues. This may result in new and fresh solutions to company areas of concern.

Selection & Retention

Project Management

Organizations use projects to translate strategies into actions, and objectives into reality.  Project management competencies are used to handle ever increasing complexity with high success, higher certainty, and lower cost. The most effective organizations organize and manage resources to ensure project deliverables are completed on time, within budget and are of high quality.

This program is based upon the PMI Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) and includes all aspects of planning from project scope definition and team formation to project scheduling and risk analysis.

This course is based upon active learning, with rich, interactive team-

based exercises, and applied experiences. Exercises may include work on company related projects.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Outline the roles and responsibilities of the program/project manager
  • Identify the project management bodies of knowledge in the PMBOK
  • Recognize the tools and techniques used in planning and managing projects
  • Describe the process of managing a project during implementation
  • Use the Critical Path Method (CPM) techniques to identify a project’s critical path
  • Define the components of a project budget
  • Develop a risk management plan
  • Conduct project closeout activities
Enhanced ability to manage projects resulting in less uncertainty, lower costs, and higher quality.

Team Building

Both the Myers Briggs Inventory (personality) and the DISC Assessment

(behavior) measure psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions.  These assessments help individuals and teams understand how their preferences affect personal, interpersonal, team, and organizational effectiveness.  Companies may select the most appropriate assessment for their groups.

This program is designed to equip individuals and teams with a greater understanding of the impact of personality and behavior within organizations.

This course is based upon active learning, with rich, interactive exercises, case studies, and applied experiences.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify and interpret either Myers Briggs or DISC preferences
  • Determine and analyze responses to team challenges
  • Maximize individual and team effectiveness
  • Discover how unique preferences allow team members to make distinct contributions to the team
  • Identify ways to solve conflict more effectively using preferences
  • Develop a strategy to build team appreciation and productivity
Enhanced ability to work effectively in teams, and within the greater organization, resulting in higher productivity, efficiency and morale.

Working in teams is a critical piece of the culture in contemporary organizations. Highly functioning teams are more efficient, more productive, and enjoy higher levels of success.  This course focuses on the fundamentals of team building. Issues such as personality preference styles, group synergy, attitude, perception, trust, and competition are examined, as well as strategies for improving team functioning.

Special attention is paid to common blockers that hinder people from working well together.

This course is based upon active learning, with rich, interactive team-

based exercises, applied experiences and an action planning component.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the characteristics of good team players
  • Identify personality preference styles
  • Demonstrate how preferences affect teams and the work environment
  • Describe how highly functioning teams can increase productivity and efficiency
  • Apply team communication strategies and techniques
  • Recognize barriers to teamwork
  • Identify ways to create a positive team attitude
  • Initiate action plans for improvement
Improved team ability to work efficiently and effectively, resulting in better interpersonal relationships and overall productivity.

Train the Trainer

Training others within the enterprise requires the ability to communicate effectively as teachers, facilitators, and trainers.  This program develops the skills and competencies necessary to create, present and deliver learning modules and curriculum through a training model/framework geared for adult learners.

This course is based upon active learning, with rich, interactive exercises and applied experiences.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the benefits of a powerful presentation
  • Define and apply the ADDIE Model/Framework for creating powerful presentations
  • Summarize the important characteristics of an adult learner
  • Write concise and relevant learning objectives
  • Analyze the elements of course design
  • Review the uses of visual aids
  • Handle difficult situations related to the audience
  • Powerfully present materials custom designed for the audience
Improved ability to effectively create and present learning modules and curriculum to adult learners, resulting in higher learning retention and streamlined training.