PCS Curriculum

A study of 31 public-sector managers by Baruch College researchers Gerald Olivero, K. Denise Bane, and Richard E. Kopelman found that a training program alone increased productivity 28 percent, but the addition of follow-up coaching to the training increased productivity 88 percent.

Often heard from business owners and managers is that because of turnover they are hesitant to train their people as they may leave and go to competitors, however, we think there’s something worse, not training your people and they stay. We don’t educate people just to educate them. We strategically assess how education contributes to the organization’s mission, values, and bottom line.

We have dozens of training and educational courses which we utilize to design and develop customized curriculum to fit the needs of our clients. Our goal is to create a collaborative partnership with our clients. Together, we strategically assess, define, develop, and deliver the highest quality and relevant learning solutions for employees.

Our most popular courses include:

  • 5 Behaviors of a Cohesive Team
  • Bringing it All Together
  • BSP 101 - Intro to Common Language
  • BSP 102 - Application of Common Language
  • BSP 201 - Harnessing Change: Stress Reimagined
  • BSP 301 - Grow Your Blue: Master Your Mindset
  • Start with Why

The preeminent Team Building Training. This program helps teams understand how they score on the key components of The Five Behaviors Model:  Trust, Conflict, Commitment, Accountability, and Results.  The Five Behaviors® is the only team development solution that empowers individuals through self-discovery and constructive behavioral modeling to rewrite the traditional rules of teamwork.

Learning Objectives:

Build a productive, high-functioning team that:
  • Makes better, faster decisions.
  • Taps into the skills, abilities, and opinions of all members.
  • Avoids wasting time and energy on politics, confusion and destructive conflict.
  • Avoids wasting time talking about the wrong issues and revisiting the same topics because of a lack of buy-in.
  • Creates a competitive advantage.
  • Is more fun to be on!

Features the Behavioral Styles Profile Common Language Framework. With all the knowledge you have gained from your customized training program, you will need time and guidance to create your individual map for personal & professional growth. Combining our unique tools and your newly acquired knowledge, we will help participants to create a Personal Development Plan that will guide their growth moving forward.

Learning Objectives:

  • Summarize the learning objectives and key take-aways of all the engagements to date
  • Provide an opportunity to explore questions, navigate challenges, and apply your understanding to daily life
  • Integrate the Maui's Critical Thinking styles
  • Create “Personal Development Plans” to chart areas for improvement and tangible solutions to track ongoing growth for individuals and teams

Our initial Keystone training, driven by the Behavioral Styles Profile Common Language Framework. Provides your company, teams, and key employees with a language and framework for human interaction and communication.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the Common Language Framework and color type patterns of the Behavioral Styles Profile
  • Gain insight into patterns of thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, how they are formed, and their impact
  • Improve your ability to identify these patterns in yourself and others in crucial situations and everyday life
  • Learn how to shift these patterns over time for your growth
  • Understand your personal Behavioral Styles Profile results, your unique type, and what your results mean for you at home and at work, in ideal and stressful conditions

Our team centered Keystone training, driven by the Behavioral Styles Profile Common Language Framework. Better understand the composition, strengths, and weaknesses of your team, how to connect, and improve cohesion and performance.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand how your Behavioral Style Profile scores correspond to the scores of your team or organization
  • Gain insight into the strengths and weakness of the 13 profile types, especially as they apply to your job roles
  • Notice points of strength and challenge as it pertains to the various scores of your team or organization
  • Identify areas of improvement for yourself and your team
  • Improve your ability to understand others on your team and increase meaningful interactions

Features the Behavioral Styles Profile Common Language Framework. Provides your company, teams, and key employees with understanding and skills to navigate stress and stressful situations, ways to accept and adapt to change, and how to feel joyful and more productive.

Learning Objectives:

  • Employ the Behavioral Styles Framework to understand how stress and change impact individuals, teams, and organizations on a daily basis
  • Gain tangible tools for diminishing the negative impact of stress and change on yourself and your team, reducing daily pain
  • Grow insight into the scientific reality of stress, and how to heal our bodies from chronically stressful lifestyles, producing gains in creativity, productivity, and happiness
  • Master your ability to utilize stress and change as sources of energy and success rather than hindrances for yourself and your organization from now on

Features the Behavioral Styles Profile Common Language Framework. Learn the science of your brain, harness “Blue” Awareness, and learn how to master your mindset and impact the world around you at a higher level. Adopt tools and processes for sustainable purpose, peace, belonging, and fulfilment in daily life and work, transforming your team and organization around you. Held on alternate weeks concurrent with “Grow Your Blue: Group Coaching”

Learning Objectives:

  • Implement strategies for personal growth based on the key element of the BSP, Blue: your capacity for Awareness
  • Gain a deep and actionable understanding of how your brain works, and how to “hack” your brain to streamline success and increase your impact in shifting your external world
  • Develop a customized roadmap for personal growth based on your unique talents, values, and needs
  • Apply yourself knowledge to your team, emboldening you as a leader to invite others into “Growing their Blue”

The most successful and innovative companies connect their customers and employees not just to WHAT they do, but WHY they do it. WHY creates a sense of connection and belonging to the work and the products created. When employees believe and adopt the company's WHY, they are more loyal, productive, and innovative.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn how to think from the inside out, where decisions are motivated by the power of WHY.
  • Adopt a way of thinking, acting, and communicating that gives team members the ability to inspire.
  • Create community and a shared sense of purpose that drives exceptional performance and innovation.
  • Establish trust amongst the team.
  • Attract and retain team members that share the values of the organization
  • Integrate the Allport Motivators from the Maui Analysis for an understanding of individual and team motivational factors

Additional Course Offerings

Change Management

Compliance Training

Customer Service

Effective Meetings and Presentations

Leadership and Supervisory Skills

Personal Development

Selection & Retention

Project Management

Team Building

Train the Trainer