
A biopsychosocial/intake process is completed at the start of services and includes a comprehensive assessment of your mental health needs. This will assist you and your therapist to better understand your condition, build a therapeutic relationship, and formulate treatment goals.

Developmental Screening/Ages & Stages Questionnaire

The Ages & Stages Questionnaire is a developmental screening tool that identifies developmental progress in children between the ages of one month to 5 ½ years. During the early years when your child’s brain and body are quickly developing, this screening allows you to identify developmental, social, or emotional delays, and increases the chances that your child may reach his or her potential.

The Ages & Stages Questionnaire relies on information provided by parents about their child, is easy-to-use, family-friendly, and creates the snapshot needed to both catch potential delays and celebrate milestones. After you complete the screening, our IMH trained therapists will review the results and provide you with support, education, and interventions that support your child’s continued growth.

Behavioral Styles Profile

The Behavioral Styles Profile (BSP) is a unique assessment tool that helps you understand and explain behavioral similarities and differences in yourself and others, both at home and at work, and in both typical and stressful situations. The BSP Assessment will help you identify different dimensions of behavior in yourself and others and teach you how different situations and environments influence and are influenced by the ways we feel, behave and communicate.

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Marriage Prepare & Enrich

Prepare/Enrich is a customized assessment that identifies a couple’s strength and growth areas. This program is beneficial for premarital counseling and premarital education, as well as for marriage counseling, marriage enrichment, and with dating couples considering engagement. Dr. Nick Phillips, a licensed therapist with over 30 years’ experience in couples counseling, will facilitate sessions to help you and your partner understand your assessment results, obtain feedback, and learn skills to enhance or restore your relationship.

Career Assessment

Finding a career that interests you and figuring out how to start the process can be overwhelming. We offer professional career assessments utilizing the Campbell Interest and Skill Survey (CISS), a self-reported instrument for individuals ages 15 to adult that want to make an informed career decision.

Dr. Russell Doré, Ed.D, has over 20 years’ of experience in career counseling and development. He will meet with you to review your assessment, interpret and discuss the results, and help connect you to an occupation that both fulfilling and compatible with your vocational skills and interests.