The PCS approach is not simply getting the right people on the bus, but as importantly, getting them in the right seats. Assessments are often a valuable tool in this process, providing insights into an individual or team’s strengths, behavioral tendencies, and areas for development. 

By leveraging comprehensive assessment tools like the Behavioral Styles Profile and The Five Behaviors®, we can help individuals better understand themselves, their needs, and what development might be best for their unique situation. This alignment maximizes productivity, enhances job satisfaction, and fosters a cohesive and effective work environment. 

Through precise and informed placement, assessments help us build a dynamic team that drives organizational success and achieves long-term goals. Our bench of consultants, coaches and clinicians are certified in various assessment tools, including but not limited to the ones below:

One of the most distinctive features of PCS is our proprietary Behavioral Styles Profile (BSP). Inspired by a model utilized by 500,000 individuals and organizations globally, the BSP offers comprehensive insights into overall behavioral styles and predictors of how individuals present in 4 circumstances:

  • Professional Typical
  • Professional Stressful
  • Personal Typical
  • Personal Stressful

The BSP tool allows individuals to quickly identify predictable behaviors and psychological needs within themselves and others. It serves as a critical instrument in increasing self-awareness, personal and professional development, team building, and customer relationship engagements.

When utilized within teams and organizations, the tool has proven to provide a common language and the foundation for building culture and understanding among members. 

We offer a customized Family Business Inventory (FBI) as a confidential tool used to assist family business leaders and stakeholders in aligning their goals and objectives. This tool provides candid feedback, holding individual results in the strictest confidence and providing an accurate snapshot of your collective opinions. This Inventory has helped clients develop and maintain healthier, more productive family business operations and relationships.

This assessment and training create a learning experience that helps teams understand how they relate to each other within The Five Behaviors model of: Trust, Conflict, Commitment, Accountability, and Results. The Five Behaviors program helps team members have deeper conversations about how they work together on a day-to-day basis. It provides a rich experience for a team to come back to again and again.

This assessment contains a unique element that allows for teams to measure change between periods. The Progress Report is designed to illustrate how a team’s behaviors have changed as compared to the last time the team was assessed. Improvements on the team as well as challenges that may be hindering further development are outlined in the report. Individual Coaching can then aid the team where challenges are identified. Building a cohesive, productive team takes work, but the payoff can be huge—for individuals, the team, and the organization.

The Everything DiSC Workplace Profile focuses on: discovering your DiSC® style, understanding the styles of others, building more effective relationships, and provides participants with valuable insights that unlock engagement and inspire effective collaboration. It provides a personalized, 20-page profile, enabling participants to explore the priorities that drive their behavior, learn what comes naturally and what might be challenging when interacting with others. Individuals will gain actionable strategies to strengthen their interpersonal interactions at all levels in the workplace. Participants learn to understand themselves and others while learning to appreciate different priorities, preferences, and values that everyone brings to the workplace. With personalized insights and actionable strategies, individuals ultimately improve engagement, collaboration, and the overall quality of the workplace.
Everything DiSC® on Catalyst™ is a personal development learning experience that equips people with the social and emotional know-how for more effective interactions at work. It provides a proven solution with instructor-led training and a powerful learning platform, that helps people to better understand themselves, appreciate and value differences in perspective and approach, and readily and consistently adapt to the unique needs of each person or situation they encounter.  For your organization, Everything DiSC on Catalyst helps foster an engaged, collaborative, and adaptive culture that drives results. The result has lasting impact.

The PCS approach is not simply getting the right people on the bus, but as importantly, getting them in the right seats on the bus. Therefore, an additional standardized, proprietary tool used by PCS is the Maui Analysis Report or the MAR. This 35-year-old human performance tool correlates with the selection, development, and team-building processes (the components of these tools have been correlated with hundreds of thousands of people across the globe).
With these combined assessment tools, PCS has identified the elements that universally drive top performance. As such, they can measure those factors that compare an individual’s strength in the following three key performance areas and be used for the ongoing development of teammates.
Through this process, PCS can measure and compare a person’s capacity to understand the core issues, formulate workable solutions and then implement the workable solution within the guidelines and structure of the available resources of the organization (i.e., measuring the dynamic energy between driving for Results; considering how it effects other People; in context of following the Rules. Further there are scales to show one’s perception of Self Esteem; Role Awareness; and Self-Direction or Future View).
 PCS is now able to measure the relative strength of the seven (7) internal motivators that influence all human decisions. These deep-seated motivators have the power to influence or even change our decisions, so it reflects the person’s most influential motivators.
This Validated Executive Summary Predictive Performance Assessment measures the unique combination of one’s critical thinking, workplace competencies, strength of internal motivation while blending those key performance factors with the ASI Certified and Validated DISC Communication Style Analysis into a single report. It is available in Leadership and Management, Sales, Customer Service and Administrative/Individual Contributor models. If you are looking for real performance insights without disconnected data points that you have to decode and decipher, this is the tool.

Prepare/Enrich values relationship alignment, continued evidence-based education, and a strengths-based approach that supports building healthy couple relationships—relationships that exhibit commitment, positive communication patterns, and resilience throughout the course of life. It is an assessment that pinpoints the right work, unique to each couple, that is crucial for growth and building relationship resilience.