Jon Tuteur

  • Jon has over 25 years of experience working across numerous industries including Financial Services, Hospitality, U.S. Federal Government, Nonprofit, Higher Education, Retail, Healthcare, Real Estate, Construction, Tech, and Consulting.
  • His executive coaching work focuses on helping individuals and groups optimize their performance, enhance their mindset, and achieve their potential.
  • Jon has held senior leadership positions at multiple consulting firms including Accenture. He facilitates training sessions and workshops for his clients on various topics including emotional intelligence, conflict resolution, how to develop and empower others using coaching skills, and how to shift your leadership style to be more effective.
  • He received his Bachelor of Business Administration from The George Washington University with a double concentration in Human Resource Management and Information Systems and a Minor in Psychology. He received an Executive Certificate in Leadership Coaching from Georgetown University and is an International Coach Federation (ICF) Professional Certified Coach (PCC). Jon is also certified in the Emotional Intelligence Quotient Inventory (EQ-I 2.0 and EQ 360), the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), Leadership Circle Profile, Clifton Strengths, and the DRiV assessment.
  • Jon’s recently published book, Seizing Today: Discovering Purpose & Authenticity in a Life-Changing Diagnosis, tells the story of his transformative journey through the complexities of epilepsy. He is also an adjunct faculty member at the Federal Executive Institute where he teaches an emotional intelligence course to senior leaders.